Tuesday, October 23, 2012

 It's one of those rainy muggy daze and I'm listening to the soothing sounds of Brazilian Girls. They are known for their eclectic blend of electronic dance music with diverse musical styles of tango, lounge, reggae, and house. They are actually not from Brazil, the band originated in New York City. They are the perfect band to lounge around, paint your nails, get ready, and basically have your girl time to~

I heard them in  an expensive department stores, its the kind of music I day dream to. It has the sex appeal and the relaxation vibes. Their music gets more vulgar and hilarious too

Well I shouldn't day dream any longer, got to get back to studying for my Midterms..

Here is a picture of the band

 This dress, is super fabulous! Inspiring for a Halloween costume.

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